Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Shakedown Rides

Everyone's done it: You buy a new bike, install a new component, make a repair, even explore a new route. This is the shakedown ride, and this weekend consisted of a few of 'em for me.
Since I'm participating in #30daysofbiking, along with a #BikeCommuterCabal challenge of 30 days of consecutive riding (These should coincide, for me anyway.), finding ways to get on the bike when I don't otherwise need to, or have time to, gets tricky.

The first: McElligot, my "mountain bike". I haven't ridden him in awhile, because he needs some attention to the cables and housing. The dilemma is that I want to convert him to a single-speed for simplicity, so replacing cables and housing isn't really necessary...except that I haven't done the conversion yet. So, I removed the front derailleur (which had the worst of the cables), and made it a middle-ring and 8 speed in the back. Works great for that setup, but I still want to get it single-speed lookin' instead of just a broken mountain bike.

The second: Wasn't actually a ride, because I realized right away that the situation wasn't terribly smart to even attempt. I've been wanting to test the bike tray on my trailer since the day I bought it, but was worried that the rear tray wasn't supported enough. Turns out, I'm right. Thankfully, I have a few fabricator/welder/engineer types who I can bother to come up with a solution...

Thankfully, I got some proper riding time with my partner while we were looking for water. Sometimes it's the 5 milers with your beautiful partner, that make bicycling that much better.

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